Back in the day we used to get a delivery from the milkman around 4.30am each morning.
Fresh creamy milk. Ahh, the bliss.
And a glass bottle that you washed out and put back on the doorstep for him to collect when you’d finished.
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All change
These days it’s all online subscriptions isn’t it?
Subscribe to this, sign up for that, and enrol for the other (and come to think of it, I hope you’ve all signed up for the Lifestyle Fifty newsletter! Top right in the sidebar puleese 🙂 )
Thank you
Cue for Big Thanks to the lovely Lifestyle Fifty readers who email me to say they enjoy the LF Newsletters, especially C who recently wrote, “… Some things come to my inbox Jo and I wonder why I subscribe to so many newsletters and clothing sales and such frivolous things.  Then I read a newsletter like this one (that I nearly deleted cos I’m ‘busy’) and I think – THAT’S WHY.  Beautifully written and really made me pause and think …”
Things like that really do make my bloggie days worthwhile 🙂
Newsletter’s I enjoy
We live in a world where we give out our emails willy nilly and if you’re anything like me you end up with an inbox stuffed full of content you don’t really want or need anymore. [And gosh, doesn’t it take ages to unsubscribe to sites when you finally get around to it?]
There are though online newsletters that I love getting. I enjoy Caz’s from YtravelBlog, and Smaggle’s and Styling You‘s …
Then there are things I really dislike about real-life subscriptions … as in Magazine Subscriptions.
On the loo or at the Dentist’s?
Okay so now I’m going to sound really mean spirited.
You see I love to give annual magazine subscriptions to family and friends who enjoy reading print publications. I know I still enjoy reading magazines … especially when I’m on the loo or in the dentist’s waiting room. Yes, too much information, but seriously, those are my favourite times for flicking through a magazine 😉
What I hate  is being conned by the marketers. You know: “Subscribe for a year and we’ll send you this *insert AmazingFreeNeverEverAvailableAgain free gift*. I’m a sucker for these type of things and so I sign up and get the subscription along with the free gift sent to the recipient in question.
What I fail to read is the small print: “We will subtract X amount on X day annually until you cancel in writing.”
Err, so this doesn’t automatically stop after a year then?
No. You have to remember to do something. Like cancel the bank debit.
Hey Ho, I assume I’ve only signed up for one year! I’ve been caught out a couple of times, and wondered a year later who on earth is taking money from my credit card, and wasted God only knows how long ringing the bank and trying to find out where and to whom the green backs have gone, before a bank employee patiently informs me, and I end up red in the face.
It was much easier in the days of the rattling dairy truck.
Yep, old Ernie the milkman might have had a sinful reputation, but at least you knew where your money went and whose daughter you were.
Do you subscribe to magazines or online newsletters? Which do you like and why?
I still love receiving magazines in the mail through subscriptions. I know that I will at least thumb through them and often pick them up to read a couple of pages whilst the one that I usually love to read that I receive on the ipad often languishes unloaded for a couple of months. Yes, bring back the milkman and maybe even the vege man whose truck i remember laden with fruit and vegetables stopping outside our house once a week. Now I am aging myself!
We never had a vege man where we lived in England, Jenny – how lovely. I do miss the idea of personal involvement with suppliers which is why Farmerss Markets are so good, hey.
I am a Lifestyle Fifty Newsletter subscriber too. I also subscribe to Travel Weekly for my work with the hotel industry and it is also good to know what’s happening in the world of travel for my own blog. I used to subscribe to a lot more things but I find I don’t have the time to read them these days. I am flat out keeping up reading other blogger’s posts, but it is my most enjoyable part of the day. 🙂
I subscribe to Lifestyle Fifty Jo – it is so relevant. I have a couple of other blogs I subscribe to – Redz Aust – for instance and others that pop into my mail box. But honestly, I am so busy I don’t have time to sit around all day reading newsletters and blogs. So in the end I just pop into the blogs I am interested in when I have the time, or am looking for something specific. I have reminisces too about the days of the milkman – ours had a horse and cart. The horse knew where to stop, and the milkman would walk alongside. I can remember hearing those hoof beats coming down the street. We also had a vegie man and a travelling library. I loved the library van arriving at our front gate when we were on school holidays and we could borrow a book. Bliss.
Thanks for subscribing Jill 🙂 I totally understand though – we’re all so busy and there’s not the time for all that reading. A newsletter has to really capture my attention. Yes, those old memories – sounds like you have some particularly vivid ones. Oh my, travelling libraries – yes, I remember them too!